Unity Agreement 1 - A Good Fit
Is WholyFit a Good Fit?
WholyFit is a very different model from other fitness certification organizations and that is why we express expectations right up front, through our Unity Agreement.
The unity agreement will help you determine whether you can, in good conscience, represent the WholyFit brand with integrity. Read it carefully before you sign it. It will help you decide whether WholyFit is a good “fit.” (Pun intended.) You might ask yourself the following question:
1. Do I wish to travel in the same direction WholyFit is going, as a member of a team?
If you desire a team behind you, you will work side by side with WholyFit Professional Members to build God’s Kingdom. Together with the WholyFit Fellowship, use the evangelistic tool of the WholyFit system, to supplement whatever God has already called us to do in His Kingdom as individuals.
We encourage creativity in the use of WholyFit as a tool for Bible teachers, Pastors, evangelists, Sunday School Teachers, parents, homeschoolers, and of course fitness professionals of all kinds. We help each other see opportunities, share ideas and experience. For example get "how to" tech support on how to teach online WholyFit classes. We will share ideas and encouragement on how to reach the lost in the fitness industry, using methods that are completely appropriate for professional situations, church environments or secular settings.
* In secular fitness venues, WholyFit is the best, most scientifically based and efficient core strength/flexibility/restorative program in the industry.
* In church venues it is a “Bible Study In Motion.” You will be able to help people memorize God’s Word through exercise.