WholyFit App
Classes can be paid or free, in person or online.
Offer your classes and videos for free as a ministry or paid as a business. It’s up to you! Do mentor training on the app because it also doubles as an appointment scheduling calendar!
Who? Two Users: Public and Staff (you)
1. The WholyFit App is the WholyFit virtual gym for the public.
- Exercisers all over the world find online and in-person WholyFit classes.
- Exercisers find a WholyFit instructor, sign up for online or in-person classes.
- Exercisers download the App to their phones and access from there.
- Exercisers go to our website to access the app from computer.
2. The WholyFit App is the Business listing for WholyFit instructors.
- WholyFit members will be added to the app as staff instructors.
- Announce future and current classes.
- Recruit participants for your future and current classes.
- Manage your classes.
- Promote your business.
- Personal training.
- Mentoring interns (after completing the Mentor Training Program).
- Upload your own Wholyfit video library for the public.
3. The WholyFit App Gives You Freedom
- You control your WholyFit-specific content on the app.
- You get paid the way you choose,
- You have complete freedom and independence to serve the Lord and reach out with the love of Christ using the tool of WholyFit-specific classes, exercise and trainings.
Download the WholyFit App today to see the classes that are on there already. The directions for adding your classes and getting you signed up on the WholyFit App will be given to you at the end of the training. Click HERE to be taken to our main website for directions on how to get the app on your device.