Unity Agreement 5 - Professionalism
The WholyFit Brand:
- name
- format
- heirloom routines
- postures
- techniques
The WholyFit branded system is what makes us different than yoga. Building the brand means making WholyFit recognizable to the public as something different than yoga.
No matter how much experience you have in fitness, and in other fitness systems, we expect you to spend effort learning the WholyFit brand, exercises and formatting. If you are new to the fitness industry, be fearless because the Lord Your God is with you wherever you go! WholyFit trainings will build you up and equip you to be the very best in the industry!
Help your participants to recognize the Brand. Begin presenting WholyFit to the public, with care to remain very close to the format and routine, just so they get the idea that WholyFit is different than yoga. Once you have established the brand with your participants, and they can recognize the WholyFit system, that’s the time to get more creative. Through continuing education you learn to alter the format and exercises to fit you and your clients’ needs.