Terms of Agreement
I. By registering for WholyFit certification you agree to buy WholyFit Membership for $7.50/month to remain certified. You will be required to sign up for WholyFit Membership once and the subscription is ongoing, and required, to remain certified and for continuing education. Maintain your membership to automatically renew your certification at no additional cost and continue receiving exclusive WholyFit Professional Membership privileges. Interruption in WholyFit Membership will result in the loss of the privilege of teaching WholyFit postures or concepts and use of the WholyFit name to promote fitness classes. You agree to continue your training with continued education through WholyFit, in accordance with industry standard.
II. Personal Mentorship is required for this course and included in the price for certification training. The Mentorship provides you with ten 30-minute sessions with your Mentor Trainer to assist you with photocoaching and test-outs.
III. By registering, you agree to complete the training within the timeframe allotted at initial registration. You can pay an additional $99 fee to receive access for an additional 60 days.
IV. WholyFit reserves the right to refuse certification and recertification to any person, whether for violating the Statement of Faith, the WholyFit Unity Agreement, or the Terms of Service, or for any other reason. Certification interns are required to sign the WholyFit Unity Agreement, agreeing to biblical values and standards of professionalism including verifying your decision not to participate in yoga of any kind. No refunds will be issued if certification/access is canceled due to a WholyFit trainer’s participation or affiliation with yoga.
V. No refunds will be made once a person is granted access to online or other training materials during certification, whether or not you open any of said content. WholyFit reserves the right to change certification procedures, content and access at any time.
VI. Everyone is encouraged to practice WholyFit any time for their own self-care. Persons may not represent WholyFit to the public in any way, whether for pay or for free, until they have received their Certificate of Completion as a bona fide WholyFit Certified Trainer. WholyFit trainers teach only WholyFit routines or Fusion Systems learned through WholyFit, and only after being certified in them through membership. New WholyFit-specific routines and exercises are available to members.
VII. All WholyFit materials and routines are copyrighted, trademarked, and privileged as trade secrets. No one may duplicate or share these materials in anyway, whether now or ever in the future. Members may not share program access credentials with anyone. By registering, you agree to protect all privileged information received during and after WholyFit certification both now and in the future, whether digitally or otherwise, with any person, including other WholyFit trainees or certified instructors who have not yet paid to receive the same materials.
VIII. Any certificates earned through the online portal are permanent, if trainer remains in good standing; however content access is not guaranteed to stay visible after passing the course.
IX. Your registration is your agreement to the terms above.